Semiconductor Industry Associations

Semiconductor Industry Associations in the different regions closely cooperate with WSTS. In most cases they also hold distribution licenses for WSTS market statistic reports and forecasts to serve interested parties outside the WSTS membership with their information needs.

Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA)

European Semiconductor Industry Association (ESIA)

Korea Semiconductor Industry Association (KSIA)

Taiwan Semiconductor Industry Association (TSIA)

Subscription to WSTS Market Statistics

The above semiconductor industry associations are licensed distributors for WSTS statistic reports within their territories. See the home page of the respective organization or a guideline for obtaining subscriptions within the WSTS Internet Portal.

WSTS World Chair

Mr. Indradeep Ghosh, Micron Technology, serves as WSTS World Chairmen since October 26, 2022.


WSTS World Chairmen Indradeep Ghosh from Micron

WSTS Administrator

Tobias Proettel is the Administrator of WSTS. He works from his office in Germany.


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All WSTS Publications, including this Web Site, are copyrighted by WSTS Inc. All rights reserved.
Reproduction in any electronic or physical form, in whole or in part, without written permission from WSTS is prohibited by law. © Copyright 1998-2024 by World Semiconductor Trade Statistics Inc.


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