Market Statistics

This page provides an overview of all semiconductor market statistics reports that are offered to WSTS member companies. Non-members may also get a fair number of WSTS market statictics reports by subscription. Select the menu "Subscription" for more details.

WSTS Market Statistic Reports

The currently available regular reports are listed at the bottom of this column. Underlined links lead to more detailed illustrations. These reports are provided free of charge to all participating members (for most reports participation is mandatory anyhow).

All reports are posted on the WSTS Internet Portal for download. Access permission is granted to employees of WSTS member companies by assignment of a User Account. Persons who are employee of a member company should read the Conditions for Use of WSTS Proprietary Information before applying for a User Account.

Data Formats for Download

WSTS reports are made available for download from the WSTS Internet Portal in following formats:

  • PDF (Adobe Acrobat)
  • XLS (Microsoft Excel)
  • JPG (Jpeg - Image files)

The users are responsible to have the necessary application programs installed on their work-stations. WSTS web pages will be correctly displayed on standard versions of following Internet Browsers:

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer
  • Mozilla Firefox

Custom Market Statistic Surveys

Member companies may request from WSTS the performance of specific surveys that address specific products or market segments in more detail than the regular reports do. These are the conditions for Custom Market Statistic Surveys:

  • At least three WSTS member companies need to participate of which no single company holds a market share of more than 60% in any of the data segments that are collected in the survey. Non member companies cannot participate.
  • The aggregated results of the survey are made available (only) to the participants.
  • The participants are being charged nominal cost for the performance of the survey. Cost per participant is quoted to the interested parties before commencement of the survey and the survey is only started when all participants committed to report the required data and consented to pay for the performance of the survey.

Summary of Regular Reports

Name of ReportDescriptionPublication Frequency
Blue BookWorldwide semiconductor shipments covering 205 product categories by revenue and 241 product categories by units, therof 57 categories split by the regions Americas, Europe, Japan, China and Asia Pacific/All Other.monthly
Blue Book HistoryCompilation of all Blue Book data since 1991monthly
Green BookThe semiconductor market since 2000 on 467 graphs from the Blue Bookmonthly
Americas by Country7 major semiconductor product categories for following territories:
USA incl. Puerto Rico, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Rest of Latin America
Europe by Country7 major semiconductor product categories for following territories: Germany, UK&Ireland, France, Italy, Nordic, Middle East, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Russia, Rest of Europequarterly
Asia Pacific by Country7 major semiconductor product categories for following territories:
Singapore, Taiwan, Korea, Asia Pacific/All Other
End UseSemiconductor shipments by 4 regions and 18 poduct categories into 6 end-use segmentsyearly

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All WSTS Publications, including this Web Site, are copyrighted by WSTS Inc. All rights reserved.
Reproduction in any electronic or physical form, in whole or in part, without written permission from WSTS is prohibited by law. © Copyright 1998-2024 by World Semiconductor Trade Statistics Inc.


Interested in WSTS Membership?

A company that at least designs and sells semiconductor products under its own trade name may become WSTS member.


2025 Publication Schedule for WSTS Reports

All information concerning publication dates, notification and submission deadlines for the year 2025.

Copyright © 2005-2024 WSTS GmbH. All rights reserved.